Page 9 - Sef Albertz | Composer's Brochure |
P. 9


                                WORKLIST BY INSTRUMENTATION



                      Elogio del silencio
                  (Electroacoustic Music)

            ...was man mir einst erzählte!
                      A Cycle for Guitar

                   Homenaje a Joan Miró
                         Suite for Guitar

              Las miradas del transeúnte
                              for Guitar

                 Suite für Solo Mandolin

                                            Some Enlightened Alleys
                                            A Cycle for Piano

                                            Ludovicus and the Allegories of the Sea
                                            for Piano

                                            The Places of the Resplendences
                                            for Piano

                                            Suite Venezolana
                                            for Piano

                                            Fables and Solitudes
                                            for Piano with[out] Electronics

                                            Tientos de Día, con Acuarela y Pastel
                                            for Violoncello

                                                                      „[...] A beautiful mixture of different influences.
                                           In a way, a very modern but still very familiar [...] full of musical discoveries“
                                                                                                 (Feuilletöne, 2021)

                           CATALOGUE OF WORKS (EXTRACT)
                                                          Sef Albertz
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14